It’s like eggs…

I had an appointment with a cardiologist recently because I was considering getting my PFO closed. I decided against it because well, I’m not putting myself through another surgery. As minimal as it might be, no. If you don’t know what a PFO is it stands for patent foramen ovale, it’s basically a hole in the heart that they used to think were a big risk factor for strokes.

So, this guy’s reputation was that he was a proponent of closing PFOs and I wanted to hear what he had to say. What he had to say did not convince me one way or another. In fact, I found it to be quite ridiculous.

He said to me the funniest line that I have ever heard from a doctor, which also made me angry and lose even more faith in MDs. The only doctor that I still see on a regular basis is a neurologist because of the migraines. They’re able to prescribe the good drugs that take the edge off the pain.

He was talking to me about PFO closure and I asked him about the research. I was aware that new research had recently come out that says there is a benefit from going through with PFO closure.

He said “Yeah, it like eggs. Every two years there is conflicting research that comes out saying they’re good for you, then they’re harmful, then they’re good for you again.”

Does anyone know ANYTHING???????????????????

Categories: Health, Stroke stuff

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4 replies

  1. The one line I got from the research I have is this:
    The tide may be turning on patent foramen ovale (PFO) closure to prevent recurrent cryptogenic strokes, with three new trials reporting that the procedure can be effective with careful patient selection.
    Did your doctor even explain why you might be a good candidate other than you have a PFO?
    Was your stroke cryptogenic?

  2. I also decided not to have my PFO closed too! I had a cryptogenic stroke and they removed part of my cerebellum.

    I just found your site. I am working on creating a yoga and meditation class for stroke survivors.

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